Mapping customer journey creates a fundamental aspect of CX success. However, CX leaders often find it difficult to incorporate this into their comprehensive customer experience (CX) operations. Read ahead to understand what it means to map the customer journey in real time and processes involved in it.
What is a Customer Experience Map?
Customer experience mapping is more than just buzzword companies have started using since 2021. It is an absolute must-have practice for firms that want to stay competitive in the modern day. The process of constructing a visual timeline that displays and evaluates a customer’s whole experience with a brand, tracking every activity, engagement, and touchpoint throughout a range of channels, is known as customer experience mapping. These CX maps go deeper than a customer journey map, examining omnichannel interactions as well as internal systems and work routines to reveal what consumers engage with the most, pain points that emerge over time and moments of reality ideal for growth and innovation.
How to Chart a Customer Experience Map?
Given below is a list of steps that will help you map your CX in real-time:
Step 1: Comprehending the Objective of Mapping
A CX map is a singular entity that conveys a clear and comprehensive narrative across a stipulated time. However, a successful customer journey mapping endeavour starts with a clear target statement. So the first step here is to decide the intent of the mapping procedure by meeting up with the project stakeholders or business owners and identifying and agreeing on all of the process’s objectives. The aim of the meeting would also be to determine what can be discovered during the mapping process that will drive business success.
Step 2: Defining the Scope of your Business
After settling on the aim of mapping, the next stage is to determine the scope of the mapping process. The mapping process’s scope description is crucial since it determines what type of research is required next. In this step, business owners and project teams must determine an ideal scope for achieving previously agreed-upon goals.
Step 3: Collecting, Examining and Researching the Available Data
Many businesses are amassing a treasure trove of pre-existing consumer insights by gathering, analysing, and researching available information. It assists them in understanding their future customers by giving them a thorough understanding of the present condition of the client experience. Businesses must first pick which aspect they will consider for mapping the customer journey—whether it’s a particular customer type or a potential user dependent on the objective. Later in the process, they can use new consumer interviews and evaluations to validate and improve these initial basic profiles.
Step 4: Forming a Hypothetical Map
Now that the foundation is in place, it’s time to kick off a user journey mapping workshop and design a hypothetical map in which the content is organised in preparation for the first map. This step requires companies to develop a shared environment by engaging Business, Design, and Development teams to facilitate the understanding of customer perspectives before beginning the customer journey process.
Step 5: Testing and Updating the Hypothesis
Once you have a basic understanding of hypothetical maps, it is time to make assumptions based on your fundamental customer research. Businesses can also employ the contextual inquiry interview approach, which focuses on consumer observation while they utilise the service or product in their daily lives. Instead of asking a series of extended questions, contextual inquiry might motivate consumers to adopt the service or product as they normally would.
Step 6: Creating a Visually Compelling Experience Map
After gathering all the necessary information for the map, you can start crafting the best narrative possible, presented engagingly. Businesses must figure out how to distribute this cx customer experience map according to the intended customer profiles, evaluations, and research data. This stage of the mapping process anticipates team members dispersing crucial facts for their narrative so that it manifests out of the page to deliver a clear message.
Step 7: Socialising and Activating the Map
When everything is in order, it is time to display the CX map to a large group of people. If you use any client experience, you can send invitations to others to inspect this cloud-facilitated map guide. In addition, you may discuss your hypothetical maps at group meetings to better coordinate the discussion by improving the aspects of the customer service experience that the great majority of your customers value.
To Sum it Up
Real-time CX mapping documents the customer experience across several touchpoints and highlights their actions, thoughts, and feelings. Looking through a customer’s perspective allows businesses to find previously undisclosed or neglected opportunities, and it encourages a customer-centric attitude within the company.
For more information regarding customer experience, customer journey mapping and how you can implement it in your business, contact us here.